
Future of UGC Marketing: Major Trends to Look Out in 2024

Explore the future of marketing with UGC and know the major trends to look out for in 2024.
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The marketing conversation has always been unchanging, with only brands participating and consumers taking notes. However, the marketing business is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the increasing popularity of user-generated content/ UGC videos as a potent tool to engage consumers and build credibility for brands. 

In recent years, a tendency known as "user-generated content" (UGC) has been increasingly prevalent. This generic phrase means any user-generated content on digital platforms, including but not limited to photos, videos, reviews, and blogs. Yet, what exactly will be the future of marketing in terms of UGC?

According to research, from 2023 to 2030, the global user-generated content platform market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 29.4%. Therefore, we may expect the UGC marketing to expand this year and beyond. In this article, we will explore the future of marketing in the context of UGC and major trends to look out for in 2024.

Can you explain user-generated content?

Instead of content that is created or controlled by brands or businesses, user-generated content (UGC) is content that is made and shared by individuals on the internet.

When users participate with UGC videos, they take on the roles of both creators and consumers of this type of content. Product reviews, social media posts, photos, videos, blogs, podcasts, and many more forms of user-generated content are all available online.

For example, for a footwear brand Jizzbits, Consumers are encouraged to post user-generated content (UGC) on social media using the fashionable hashtag #MyCrocsEra as part of the brand's celebration of its worldwide community and to highlight their Crocs style. Crocs, with a large and loyal fan base, boosts client retention and buyer trust by expertly incorporating a sense of community into its website and social content strategy. 

Branded Content vs. User-Generated Content

Why, exactly, is user-generated content (UGC) becoming more popular than the more conventional forms of branded content? Facts and figures provide insight into this occurrence:

  • A staggering 90% of prospective consumers put more faith in user-generated content than they do in conventional ads.
  • Advertisements based on user-generated content have a 400% greater click-through rate compared to standard ads, which shows how effective authentic material is in terms of engagement rates.
  • Users-Generated Content (UGC) Has the Power to Convert. The "Feeling the Streets" campaign by Toyota is a perfect case in point; it saw an astounding 440% rise in ad engagement.
  • An overwhelming 97% of people in the 18–29 age bracket admit that user-generated content (UGC) greatly affects their buying choices.
  • When a firm uses UGC videos in their marketing, nearly 73% of consumers feel more assured in their purchases.

Emerging UGC Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye in 2024

1. Video Live-Streaming

The future of UGC marketing is bright with UGC videos, which has been rapidly expanding in popularity over the past few years. An increasing number of people are making and sharing UGC videos with the help of high-quality smartphone cameras. Brands can take advantage of this social media marketing by requesting user-generated material such as product reviews, testimonials, or creative pieces that include the brand.

Another part of user-generated video content that is becoming more popular is live video streaming. Live UGC videos provide an engaging and genuine method to engage with consumers, whether it's holding question and answer sessions, sneak peeks, or live product demos. Instagram Live, Facebook Live, and TikTok Live are just a few of the platforms that enable brands to have direct conversations with their audience and boost their social media marketing.

2. Collaborating with Influencers and Co-Creating

The rise of influencer marketing in the last several years has been profound, and it will have lasting effects on social media marketing strategies. On the other hand, brands are increasingly embracing a collaborative strategy rather than depending only on influencers for content creation. 

Brands can collaborate with influencers and their followers through co-creation to create user-generated content (UGC) that reflects the brand's values and speaks to the target audience.

As influencers incorporate their fans into the content creation process, this approach promotes a feeling of genuineness and relatability. 

Both influencers and brands benefit from the use of influencers' knowledge, skills, and imaginations in creating interesting and trustworthy UGC marketing.

3. Combining Augmented Reality (AR) with User-Generated Content (UGC)

Brands may take advantage of intriguing new opportunities presented by the convergence of user-generated content (UGC) and augmented reality (AR). 

With AR, users may create engaging and immersive experiences by superimposing digital objects on top of the actual environment. Companies may improve their UGC marketing with augmented reality (AR) by giving consumers the means to make AR-powered material showcasing their goods or aspects of their brand.

Brands can stand out in the already saturated digital market with the help of augmented reality-powered user-generated content (UGC), which gives a one-of-a-kind and captivating user experience. 

For instance, a renowned bike maker Colnago has shown the augmented reality version of their new C68 road bike placed in many various surroundings. Brand fans were urged to configure their beloved Colnago bike for AR viewing in their area. The social media marketing team's wish came true when the bike's Instagram photos went viral!

4. Social Media Walls

UGC marketing that incorporates social media walls are one of the major trends influencing user-generated content marketing in the future. Brands can gain confidence and credibility by showcasing user-generated content (UGC) that is relevant to their products or services. 

By utilising social media walls, marketers may design aesthetically pleasing and participatory spaces that showcase users' posts, images, and videos. This method increases recognition of the brand, participation from users, and the feeling of belonging to a community.

Furthermore, social media walls make it easier to find and explore user-generated material, which gives marketers access to trending data. To maintain cohesion and harmony in the user experience, companies can utilise sophisticated filtering and moderation technologies to choose and showcase user-generated content (UGC) that is in line with their brand's image and messaging. 

By showcasing user-generated material in real-time and highlighting good customer experiences, brands can create a stronger connection with their audience and spark important conversations.

5. Show UGC reviews on your website

An excellent use case for UGC marketing would be for brands to integrate their Google reviews into their website in order to increase engagement and credibility with their target audience.

You can also easily collect reviews and control user-generated content (UGC) with reviews management software. It lets you show only the content that fits your brand message or highlights all of your pros.

To achieve this goal, Epoxy Genius, a local floor installation firm, has integrated a Google reviews widget that showcases customer testimonials together with images from their most recent project. In order to further establish credibility, they display a Google reviews logo that reads "5.0" on their website.

6. Social Media Contests

As the world of social media marketing continues to change, contests have become a powerful tool for brands to boost engagement, reach more people, and build brand loyalty. Brands can tap into the creativity and engagement of their target audience through social media contests, which can generate excitement and buzz.

Using UGC videos as a prerequisite to enter social media contests is a big trend right now. To get people to make and distribute content that reflects their brand values, brands play on people's natural need for praise and incentives. Companies may increase user involvement and the production of genuine, engaging content by outlining specific expectations and offering suggestions for creative expression.

Brands may leverage the power of virality to increase their reach through social media contests. By giving people the chance to share their contributions on social media, social media marketing teams may reach more people with their message and start a content chain reaction. Brand awareness rises, and participants develop a stronger feeling of community and become more vocal advocates as a result.

7. Authenticity And Transparency

Now more than ever, brands that include honesty and openness into their UGC marketing strategy will stand out from the crowd. 

Real people, real experiences, and authentic reviews are what users want to see. Brands that support and highlight user-generated content (UGC) that aligns with these principles will earn the devotion of their target demographic.

The importance of openness within the UGC process is also growing. Make sure consumers understand the terms and restrictions linked to content creation and usage by being transparent about brand rules and guidelines around user-generated content (UGC). 

Brands may build a community of UGC contributors who feel empowered and respected by creating an environment that is open and honest.

Is the Future of UGC Marketing Bright?

No doubt, it is believed that the present definition of User-Generated Content/ UGC marketing will be broadened in the future.

In the future, UGC marketing strategies will most likely include not just UGC videos but also content co-created using artificial intelligence (AI). The future of marketing will be utilising cutting-edge technology such as interactive platforms, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR).

The future of marketing in terms of user-generated content (UGC) is bright: it will be more interactive, immersive, personalised, and linked with real-time data and feedback, transforming it into an important player in customer engagement and brand storytelling.

User-generated content (UGC) is more powerful than employee-generated content in that it does not necessarily convey brand values, it does demonstrate genuine experiences that consumers cannot get anywhere else.

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