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How jawline engaged over 93K viewers to their website?

About Jawliner

Jawliner- as the name suggests is a one of its kind brand celebrated for exactly what the name says, building jaw lines. They are famous for their chewing gums, jawliner tapes and everything needed for that perfectly chiseled jawline. 

Jawliner began their journey with ReelUp in June 2023 and have constantly recorded a substantial amount of growth in their CTR, revenue and ROI.


video views


Revenue Generated

Higher Engagement

Jawliners boosted their engagement by engaging 93160 visitors to the website. They have added videos on homepage, product page and checkout pages resulting in 10660 sales achieving an ROI of 12100.99%.

Revenue Generated

Jawliners generated a spectacular revenue of 4,42,000 USD. The videos helped their visitors understand the requirement as well as working of every product. The biggest USP was how influencer videos stood as visual proof of the results of their products and built trust among the viewers.

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