About Roverlund

Roverlund emerged as a beacon of style, utility, and comfort for all pet enthusiasts.

Whether you're an adrenaline-charged adventurer or a city-dwelling sophisticate, Roverlund's pet products are there to complement every journey you embark upon with your furry friend. At its core, Roverlund believes in the unique bond of pet companionship, and the union of fashion with functionality.


As the digital age matures, the demand for authenticity and real-life experiences is at its peak. Roverlund recognized that while its descriptions and images were high quality, the contemporary customer wanted more ā€“ they wanted to 'see' the products in action, to 'feel' the experience before making a purchase.

It wasn't just about displaying products anymore; it was about narrating a story, a real story by real users. The challenge was to find a medium that could seamlessly integrate these user-generated content (UGC) stories to enhance the product's appeal and, in turn, boost conversion rates.


Enter ReelUp ā€“ a platform that empowers businesses to infuse their digital presence with the power of UGC videos. With ReelUp, Roverlund was able to elegantly display a video carousel right on its homepage, giving visitors a front-row seat to the adventures Roverlund products promise.

Moreover, Roverlund took advantage of "Product Page Reels." Now, every time a potential buyer visited a product page, they were met with real-life videos of that product, giving them a closer look at its utility and style, all while instilling trust through genuine user reviews.

ReelUp didnā€™t just give Roverlund videos; it gave them stories. Stories that resonated, stories that inspired, and stories that sold.

Furthermore, the ReelUp support team, went above and beyond to ensure the app seamlessly fit into Roverlund's website. From font customization to widget adjustments, every detail was meticulously taken care of.

Lorem IpsumĀ is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Kevin Greco

Founder, ODR Skis

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